Sunday, March 1, 2015

cake 3 top of the cake decoration.

How you make the top of the cake is you buy a sponge filling and trace it to the size of your plastic cake frame. I then used double sticky and put strips of it on top. I peeled the paper off even though it was sticky. I used a glue gun in places as I gradually circled the braided rag rug around the top of it. My next step I braided the outer edge to give it the look of it being frosted and a finished look. Then took colorful headed common pins and stuck them all around for a jimmies of color effect. By the way you can use whatever you want to use for jimmies. Such as beads etc. also. Make it your own. This is just a guideline. =+). I slid the clip backings between the braided strips. Then they are secure.

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